$KMON Staking to Earn Points for $PIMS

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June 11, 2024

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Introducing Game Patch 0.0.32: Unleash the Power of Elemental Spells!

We are eggcited to announce the arrival of Patch 0.0.32 for KMON: Genesis, bringing a new wave of awesome updates, adjustments, and enhancements.



Michelle Smith Gabela

August 16, 2023

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Experiment TCG Update: Winners Announcement

The anticipation has finally come to an end as we unveil the trainers who have secured their spots in the first-ever KMON Trade Card Game (TCG) deck.



Michelle Smith Gabela

August 9, 2023

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Community AMA Session Recap: Insights and Updates from our Founder & CEO, Umberto

During our latest AMA session, Umberto shared some eggciting updates and insights related to the KMON Gaming Franchise, future plans, and company operations.



Michelle Smith Gabela

August 7, 2023

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KMON Sit & Play: Tournaments Guide

Kryptomon Trainers, get ready for the most thrilling and rewarding KMON experience yet! Say hello to Sit & Play, our brand-new series of tournaments.



LiveOps Team

July 26, 2023

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A New Dawn in Web3 Gaming: Unveiling the KMON Trading Card Game

Today, we announce an exciting addition to our journey that promises to redefine how you interact with the KMON universe – The KMON Trading Card Game!



Umberto Canessa Cerchi

July 19, 2023

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Introducing KMON Sit & Play Tournaments: Unleash Your Trainer Abilities

Are you ready for the next, exciting step in your journey as a Kryptomon Trainer? Now is the time to dive straight into our newest and most competitive game mode to date.



LiveOps Team

July 18, 2023

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Kryptomon — Our Final Lore Challenge Winners!

At some point in the night, my egg (I really think of it as mine now) began to wobble in my arms, and what was a gentle heat before began to pulse in waves, hotter and hotter.



20 OCT 2021

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Kryptomon — Our Final Lore Challenge Winners!

My Own Kryptomon

Where do I even begin? To say today has felt like a dream might be a cliché, but there’s really no other word to describe it. It feels surreal to even think of last night. I’ll never forget it.

At some point in the night, my egg (I really think of it as mine now) began to wobble in my arms, and what was a gentle heat before began to pulse in waves, hotter and hotter. I was woken up by what felt like the egg trying to press itself against my arms. Was it its instinct to feel for its mother in the moments before its hatching? A part of me wanted to hold it closer, but the heat became too much; I could only step back and watch the miracle.

A crack, a flash of light and out of this egg: a creature unlike any on earth peeked out from its shell with bright black eyes. It was.. happy?! I don’t know how I knew that but I just did. It pranced around on my desk, seemingly already in control of it’s limbs despite having only been born mere moments ago. I had never seen anything like it. Its red skin was covered in a layer of pale fire like white-hot fog, with long trails of flame coursing along its back — they looked like solar flares. I’ve never seen fire moving like this… nor a creature like this but there it was. A Fire Kryptomon… MY fire Kryptomon.

But despite all this strange power, despite the small flames blazing on it’s back, it didn’t seem aggressive whatsoever, at least not toward me. Maybe I’m biased, but it was more… cute than anything else? As I approached to examine its skin, its fire calmed and the burning aura receded, becoming a gentle warmth to the touch as it nuzzled it’s head against my fingers. It’s as if these creatures have complete control of their elemental features — perhaps simply through instinct, but we have so much to learn about how these Kryptomon think. These are just babies, after all… we know nothing about their potential. We can’t just be researchers now; these eggs have hatched in our arms and we can’t shake these chosen bonds.

The lab was giddy like a daycare this morning, it was wonderful. Each of us were with our imprinted Kryptomon and we just sat at our desks and marveled at them, playing with them. Sharing little moments. Prof. Bere showed us her Water Kryptomon: how it would shake its fin-like tail and spray clouds of tiny droplets over the incubator floor. Who knew such a mystical creature — with powers unexplainable by any earthly technology — could be so cute?? We needed this… a break from the furious note-taking and code breaking we’ve experienced over the past month, to just be with the Kryptomons on their birthday.

What’s next?

But I need a break from the buzz; I feel overwhelmed. So much has happened in one day and it’s just… a lot to process. What happens now? These infant Kryptomon are cute and agreeable now, but can we handle them when they’re grown? What of their elemental powers? Or do they even grow? Maybe they hatch fully grown and will always stay like this? The lab is excited, but I sense worry in some of the more… prudent team members. There are hundreds of questions and plenty of research that we’ll have to conduct in the future, but will we like the answers we find?

Maybe I’m just a hopeless optimist, but I have a feeling these Kryptomon can be our companions. They came to us for a reason. Besides, in all my research with newborn animals (admittedly, not as much as Prof. B has done, I’m sure she’ll correct me if I’m wrong), I’ve never seen an infant born so fearless or so cheery. But it all became too much in the lab, all the chatter, all the questions… I needed a walk.

It really makes you wonder — seeing how a Grass Kryptomon can wiggle its vines or rustle its leaves — how nature on earth moves the way it does. The trees look a little different now when they catch a breeze, maybe it’s a friendly wave or a sleepy sigh. But I’m running on so little sleep, it’s like dreams are spilling over. Or it’s just a beautiful night. After being within inches of these small Kryptomon and seeing them play with their elements like toys in a crib: Ice Kryptomon blowing snowflakes from their snouts… Air Kryptomon weaving little tornadoes with their claw… these elements — everything out here seems so much smaller. What’s a breeze to a creature that can stir up its own weather? I love seeing things in a new way.

It really is a beautiful night, and the moon is bright like a frosted mirror. Almost a full moon. What a thing to see.

[End of Chapter 0]

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

⭐Final Lore Challenge Winners! ⭐

A huge shoutout for the final winners of the Koa’s Log Lore Challenge series. The first to solve the puzzle was _Z_e_r_e_f_, coming in first amongst the 110+ responses received over the week. The second egg was won by RuciferX and the final Twitter lottery egg snapped up by CryptoGamer392!

To end things off, I’m NOT planning to give you the solution or the answer to this particular puzzle. The “surprise” is still there for people who manage to solve it, and there it’ll stay as a nice little reminder of how the Lore Challenges came to an end.

However, just because the Lore Challenges are over doesn’t mean that we don’t still have exciting new updates into Koa’s life waiting for you in the near future. The end of Chapter 0 sees Koa and the lab celebrating the birth of their Kryptomon, taking a short break in between the madness of all the research they’ve been doing over the past month.

There are still plenty of questions left to answer though! Only the bonded eggs hatched for the scientists that had found their eggs, with the large majority of the 10,000 eggs still sitting in their incubators. What will happen to them? Will these Kryptomons evolve? Most importantly, why did these Kryptomons appear to us now?

Catch you next time in Chapter 1 — The Pink Moon. 🌙

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

PS: If you’re really curious what the answer is, and what the “surprise” was, I suppose you could try asking around in the community to see if someone who’s solved it already will give you the answer. 😉

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

And to all of the newcomers who want to know more and start to play to earn their own Kryptomons, welcome!


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Bad Moon Rising

“The Full Moon Incident” like a wave, but the incident itself seemed like a flash. There must have been nearly 10,000 headlines to read….. the night the Kryptomon went crazy.



27 OCT 2021

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Bad Moon Rising

The warnings came from everywhere at once: from laboratory pagers to fire department radios, word spread about “The Full Moon Incident” like a wave, but the incident itself seemed like a flash. There must have been nearly 10,000 headlines to read….. the night the Kryptomon went crazy.










Labs researching new Kryptomon discoveries since the summer have reported synchronous power outages and strange localized weather phenomena among other disasters, which sources say may have been caused by the creatures themselves. These reports coincide with hatching incidents across the globe as well as alleged Kryptomon disappearances in what is being called the “Full Moon Incident” on social media.

Since the discovery of their colorful eggs earlier this year, the alien species now known as Kryptomon have been a darling obsession of scientists and enthusiasts alike. Since the hatching event earlier this month, researchers and egg specialists have been curiously running experiments trying to assess the potential power and danger of these creatures, which have demonstrated latent abilities ranging from temperature control to incorporeality.

Specialists have also seen how gentle-natured and individualized these Kryptomon are, and as one researcher notes, “it has been amazing to see how well the Kryptomon respond to human care and how well they’ve been able to bond with their primary caretakers”, which have now started being called their imprints or chosen bonds.

After last night’s events, the story might be changing. The flagship lab in central Italy run by Professor Emmanuel Koa, who has been coordinating global efforts towards Kryptomon research, was among many sites nearly destroyed by elemental forces unleashed by the young creatures.

Police reports and laboratory staff accounts detail the lab nearly burning to the ground after a Fire Kryptomon couldn’t stop breathing out fire. One technician reports: “Koa’s Fire Kryptomon — I think he called it ‘Embie’ — started getting sick or something last night, fire started coming out of its mouth like baby vomit. Koa was out for a walk last night, so Embie was all alone, without its chosen bond. It looked scared, like it didn’t know what was going on. We certainly didn’t. And then the other Kryptomon got strange, too…”

Luckily for the lab, a Water Kryptomon under the supervision of the celebrated biologist Dr. Bere began to cry uncontrollably, letting out tears at such volume that it stopped the spread of the fire to the framework of the building. When Bere approached the Water Kryptomon to comfort it, the crying stopped, and the lab was able to regain control of the situation.

The laboratory has reportedly lost many of its written logs to smoke and water damage resulting from the incident, and, according to Dr. Bere, Embie and many other Kryptomon seemed to have disappeared during the incident, particularly those who had been housed in chambers nearest to the lab’s mainframe computer servers. In her report Bere notes, “We have expected and have been prepared for behavioral problems with these Kryptomon, but this is something different. This was no tantrum. The elemental powers themselves seemed to have been agitated by something. The only consistent behavior was that the Kryptomon seemed to be under control in the presence of their chosen bond. This could be another cosmic event like the day of the eggs appearing. Under a full moon, no less…

The disappearance phenomenon has been reported by other labs under Koa’s guidance as well, such as those in Thailand, Hungary, and Ethiopia, and many facilities have noted that only the Kryptomon nearest to its lab computers at the time of the incident had vanished, suggesting this power surge and disappearance could be caused by some electromagnetic signal or digital interaction.

We were unable to reach the head of research Emmanuel Koa for comments.

Digital forensics specialists have been dispatched to recover relevant data from the damaged computers and labs have requested infrastructure aid to repair their equipment and develop more robust facilities to handle future Kryptomon-related phenomena.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

What is Kryptomon
Kryptomon is a play-to-earn blockchain game based on NFTs.
The Kryptomons are living NFTs that you need to raise, feed, and upgrade.
Start your journey in the Kryptomon world today!


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Kryptomon — A Rising Darkness

Rising Darkness? 👀 What and where is this darkness and why is it rising?



20 NOV 2021

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Kryptomon — A Rising Darkness

Hello trainers, welcome back to the wonderful world of Kryptomon. Did you enjoy the special edition of our Lunar Eclipse Founders Talk? It’s been a while since our last Medium post, though the community has been abuzz with the various events and updates that seem to be happening every other day!

With the first Legendary Kryptomon won in our first ever auction for a whooping $49,700, all 2000 of our BinanceNFT Mystery Boxes selling out in less than a second and KMONs listing on Gate.IO now behind us (we had a busy couple of weeks didn’t we!), the focus now turns back to a facet of Kryptomon that has taken somewhat of a backseat — The Lore.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

Rising Darkness? 👀 What and where is this darkness and why is it rising?

All very good questions and I’m glad you asked! Last we left off, the research lab where our celebrated scientists Professor Emannuel Koa and Professor Eva Bere had gone up in flames, partially destroyed in a mysterious explosion that seems to have been started by Embie, Professor Koa’s bonded Kryptomon.

It was also observed that Kryptomons from the lab had disappeared, with the main culprit of the lab fire, Embie, also mysteriously disappearing without a trace…

Why did the Kryptomons, who previously seemed to have control of their elemental powers, start destroying the lab? To where and how did Embie disappear without a trace? And will we ever find out the identity of the mysterious entity that embedded the various hidden messages Professor Koa and team deciphered in the past months?

Well trainers, after a 3 week long hiatus, it’s finally time to take the next step forward in unravelling the secrets of our Kryptomon. The lore team have been busy cooking up plenty of exciting updates and surprises for everyone and I don’t want to be the one to spoil it for you (ask Umberto maybe 😉). You’ll just have to wait for the drop of Chapter 1 coming soon!

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

A Sneak Peek

I will however… leave this here for everyone. A little teaser for the amazing things that are coming your way!

Excited? I know I am! 🎉 With such amazing cover art for the drop of Chapter 1, might the lore team also have prepared new music and characters to join Koa and Eva as we explore the Kryptomon metaverse? 😉

Signing off for now.

Grab your NFT and Play-to-Earn — see you in the game, trainers!


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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #6

That pink glow is the biggest breakthrough we’ve had these 2 months since our Kryptomons hatched, and it might be my best chance in getting Embie back.



09 DEC 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #6

It’s the pink glow! That pink glow is the biggest breakthrough we’ve had these 2 months since our Kryptomons hatched, and it might be my best chance in getting Embie back.

I’m getting ahead of myself though. To understand it all, we’ll first have to take a trip down memory lane, back to when the lab first burnt down…

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

The Aftermath

Embie is gone and it feels like a part of me went along with it. Like something is… disconnected.

We sent out search parties the night the lab burned down, looking to find all the missing Kryptomon but to no avail. Hours turned into days and our initial worry for the baby Kryptomons became overshadowed by the wider implications of what this could mean for society. They’re just babies after all, they don’t know how dangerous the world and people can be! Throw into the mix their ability to manipulate the elements and I shudder to think what havoc could be wrecked if they were to fall into the wrong hands.

Finding them before that happens is priority number one. The only question now is… how? There’s still so much we don’t know about Kryptomons, who’s to say they didn’t literally disappear into thin air?

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

The Pink Serum

We had Lapis to thank for the first clue, as it was in the wreckage of the lab that I first came across the pink liquid. Without Lapis being on site to put out the fires Embie and the other Kryptomon caused, we might never have discovered what we’ve now coined as the Pink Serum.

It’s odd, this pink serum. Traces of pink light could be found on the lab equipment when we searched through the wreckage the next day. To be more precise, there was a pinkish sheen that covered some of the machines that survived the fire, but it wasn’t until I saw it dripping down the side of our faithful cryptographic supercomputer that I recognized it for what it was.

A superfluid existing in regular room-temperatures under ambient conditions. The phenomenon was not unheard of, as the researchers at CNR NANOTECH Institute of Nanotechnology in Italy and the Polytechnique Montréal in Canada recently proved. While the technology to create liquid light (as it is more commonly known as) exists, we’re still years away from this pink light that seemingly condenses naturally into liquid form and back.

This was fascinating, but not something that would help us in our search for the missing Kryptomon. Instead of wondering why the pink light could naturally display the properties of a superfluid, trying to figure out what connection it had with the fire or our Kryptomons disappearing would be a better use of our time. It wasn’t until 2 days ago that we realized just how important this pink light would be in our search, and how it might potentially prevent the past from repeating itself.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

Pink Moonlight

By all accounts it was a relatively normal day. Ever since we discovered the pink serum, the team have set up “collection basins” around the lab in hopes that more of this pink light could be collected. It never did though, and what pink light we did have from the day of the fire couldn’t fill a single test tube.

I remember first hearing a whoop of excitement from Eva. Her face flush from the cold, she burst into the lab with enough aplomb to shock all of us from our research.

“It’s the moon!” she exclaimed, holding up a phial that was glowing a distinctive pink. “The moon is the source of the pink light!”

As if rehearsed, everyone swivelled to look out the window of the lab, to catch a glimpse of the collection basins we placed outside the lab. There was a moment of silence as we took in the sight of the basin glowing pink before the lab burst into a hive of frenzied activity.

I burst out of my seat and started dragging the indoor collection basins out into the moonlight and soon everyone followed suit. In hindsight, you could say I was the cause of it all, as the Kryptomons might have been safe if they remained indoors.

Working together, the collection basins were dragged outdoors and they began to slowly turn pink as they soaked up the moonlight. Something was finally going our way! That is… until the eclipse occurred.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

The Eclipse

There we all were, gathered out in the courtyard with our Kryptomons in tow when a darkness begin to creep up. I definitively remember looking up and seeing the sun eclipse the moon, cutting off the moonlight we so desperately needed.

Then they changed. The Kryptomons began to warp and cry out, their faces and bodies draining of color. And I don’t mean this in the traditional English saying where someone turns pale when caught telling a lie. No, the Kryptomons were literally being drained of color, their bright colorful bodies slowly fading into a pale grey.

They screamed, shuddering in what seemed like great pain. They snapped at anyone who tried to come close and Spark, Professor Wang’s Electro Kryptomon even sent out tendrils of electricity that shocked away other Kryptomon. This set off a chain reaction that soon saw the beginnings of a fire, the crackling of electricity, the icy cold chill of frost…

This must have been how the lab fire started.

For a few terrible moments, I was reminded that despite their cute, cuddly exteriors, these Kryptomon were dangerous. They’re just babies for now, but who’s to say they don’t grow larger and stronger in time? That they don’t lose control of the elemental powers they wield? The damage an army of 10,000 Kryptomons could cause was astronomical.

Then as quickly as it had come, the eclipse passed and the darkness receded. The Kryptomons fell to the floor and lay unmoving as I thanked my lucky stars a full out battle didn’t break out.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

A Clue!

It’s been two days since then and the Kryptomons are back to their normal jolly selves. It’s not all sunshine and roses though. Everyone is… on edge after that night and the little flinches when a Kryptomon runs cheerfully through the lab speaks volumes to the fact that I wasn’t the only one who realized how dangerous our Kryptomons can be.

In other news, the research is back in full swing and the basins did manage to collect enough pink serum to fill 4 vials. There’s still much we don’t know about the Kryptomons, but if the events on the night of the eclipse were any indication, we can now surmise that this pink light helps prevent whatever it was that happened that night. The goal now is to figure out exactly what this pink light is.

We’ve also received reports of strange flashes occurring in the Kielder Forests. Strange flashes… and fires. My heart leaps to my throat every time I think it might be Embie. He’s lost, lonely and scared in the woods, never mind what might have happened to him because of the eclipse. I’d be on a train right now if Eva hadn’t volunteered to go in my place but she’s right. Out in the woods alone with what is potentially a wild Kryptomon is no place for a scientist.

Eva has Lapis with her for protection, and I’ve given her 3 vials of the pink serum for emergencies. It all rests on her now…

Carter Mah

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