I hope you’re doing great! Following my recent promise to keep in touch and involve you guys more in the activities and decisions we are making, today is the day to share some awesome news.
I am pleased to announce our latest experiment - the KMON Trading Card Game! Yep, you heard it right. We are diving into the world of card games and launching our very own KMON Card Game. Or at least a first experiment to explore and better understand its potential.
I can't contain my enthusiasm for this project, and let me tell you why. As a kid, I was obsessed with card games like Pokémon and Yugioh, and now we're about to bring that same thrill to the table with KMON! Picture yourself walking into a store this fall and the first thing you see is a pack of KMON cards… yes, you heard it right. Real cards! Awesome, right?
So, let's get into the nitty-gritty. Our Head of Merch, Davide, had this brilliant idea to create the KMON Trading Card Game. And guess what? We're making it happen! This project is a big deal because it's going to:
- Boost our brand visibility
- Expand the KMON franchise
- Open up exciting new commercial opportunities for us
When Davide brought up the concept, I was all in for it! And now, only a few months later, we're actually turning this vision into a reality.
Now, you must be wondering how this whole thing will work. We're going to kick things off with a test run of the KMON Trading Card game in Italy. If all goes well, we'll roll it out to other regions too.
We've teamed up with our publishing partner in Italy, Chimpanzee, and together, we're going to select 56 Kryptomons to feature on these cards. And here's where it gets interesting: we want to involve our community in the decision-making process! As a web3 community-focused company, we want YOU to be a part of this journey. That's why we're launching Experiment TCG: KMON Card Game Contest (fancy name, but basically a beauty contest) to choose the cards that will be a part of the first test edition of KMON cards!
Contest Instructions:
- Contest Duration: Wednesday, July 19th, 1 PM UTC to Sunday 23rd, 3 PM UTC.
- How to Submit: Submit your Kryptomon images + Kryptomon IDs + Kryptomon names in separate tweets on Twitter. Make sure to tag @KryptomonTeam and use both #KMONCardGame and #KMON hashtags.
- You can submit as many tweets as you want, but remember to keep each Kryptomon in a separate tweet.

- Submission Deadline: You have until July 23rd, 3 PM UTC to submit your Kryptomons.
- Compilation, Sharing, and Voting: Public voting will start on Tuesday, 25th. We'll compile all the submissions into a Facebook photo album for everyone to view. To vote for your favorite Kryptomons, simply react to each image in the album with an emoji.
- Selection Criteria: The 56 Kryptomons with the most votes will be the lucky winners (7 from each element).
- Selected Kryptomons Announcement: We'll announce the selected Kryptomons on July 31st. The winning Kryptomons will be a part of the first test run of the KMON Game Cards.
Submit Your Kryptomons Now
But wait, there's more! We're considering adding some cool gameplay mechanics, like legendary cards that can be traded for an NFT or in-game items earned after collecting a certain number of cards. We also recognize the importance of revenue sharing, and while we haven't finalized the details, we're exploring options like performance-based distribution or special privileges for those whose Kryptomon gets featured on the cards. We want to ensure fairness and inclusivity every step of the way.
This is a huge deal for us, and no matter how the test/pilot goes, we'd love to see you jump in and submit your own Kryptomons to be featured on the KMON Cards. It's a big step in growing the KMON brand, and we can't do it without you.
So, go ahead and propose your Kryptomons, gather those votes, and join us in the chats to keep the eggcitement going!