$KMON Staking to Earn Points for $PIMS

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June 11, 2024

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Elias’s Diary #2

Today in the boardroom, there was something about how the sunset squinted through the east wing blinds, like it was eavesdropping…




April 18, 2022

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #9

The bank? THE Keystone Bank??? Of course they had something to do with it.



Carter Mah

April 4, 2022

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Kryptomon Integrates Chainlink VRF to Help Power Verifiably Random NFT Lucky Draws

Kryptomon is excited to announce the official integration of Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) on the BNB Chain mainnet.




March 22, 2022

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Elias’s Diary #1

It’s 3:00am. Just another night. It’s not new to me. This whole month has been chasing money into late nights and dealing with charlatans.




March 3, 2022

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Kyros’s Update #1

Hey nerd, I briefly considered starting this with “Dear Professor Koa”, but that just didn’t seem right.



Carter Mah

February 25, 2022

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #8

“Sigh… I wonder how Eva’s doing” I mused as I scanned the code on the screen directly in front of me.



Carter Mah

February 20, 2022

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Dev Log #5 | The Creation of the Pink Moon App



JAN 2023

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Welcome to our DevLog #5, the first one of 2023! This year we are starting the year all in with the release of our dedicated Pink Moon app.

To get all the juicy details on this exciting release, we’ve interviewed two key team members who have been instrumental in its ideation and development, Maurice and Umberto.


Umberto: Hello everyone! My name is Umberto and I am the founder and CEO of Kryptomon. It’s great to see new faces here. I’m always happy to chat and share more about Kryptomon! You can generally find me on our various Telegram channels or once per month hosting our Founder’s Talk, a dedicated live stream we broadcast through YouTube and Twitch where we deep dive into all things Kryptomon. Thanks for having me!


Maurice: Hi all, Maurice here again! For those who don’t know me. I am Kryptomon’s Chief Creative Officer. The guy who made up the whole moon concept. And very happy to share with you our next step in treasure hunting. Called Pink Moon!


How would you describe the process of creating the dedicated Pink Moon App?

Tough! When we initiated the project was around March ’22 and we thought it would have taken us no more than a couple of months to bring it to life, but while we were building it the requirements kept changing based on the feedback we received from the community and so it took way more than expected 😀

The browser-based game seemed to work, why was it important to create a dedicated mobile app?

The browser-based it has always been a first iteration, it wasn't stable, scalable, and good enough to support more players and more activities, so it was needed to have a native and dedicated app.

Do we automatically get whitelisted when we use a wallet with a Kryptomon NFT in it?

No, the process is still the same, the players who have a Kryptomon NFT will be able to whitelist, but they will need to do it via the app and confirm the whitelisting :) But for those who forget about it, we got you cover cause the mobile app is now also sending push notifications for example when the hunt starts.

Can we expect more features and activities during the monthly event now that the Pink Moon App is finally here?

Yes, I cannot say when and how, we have a lot of ideas in the backlog on how we can improve the hunt experience, what is certain is that finally having the mobile app gives us a solid base on top of which we can build up the next generation of gameplay experience.


Why is it now called “Kryptomon: Pink Moon” instead of “Treasure Hunt”?

Because by just calling it a regular treasure hunt, it was not connected to the whole Kryptomon universe. We are creating a complete experience here. So it was highly needed to conceptualize it and connect it to the Kryptomon Lore. There the legacy of professor Koa was born.

“The Legacy of Koa” Does this mean Koa will be an integral part of the Kryptomon: Pink Moon storyline?

Yes, he is! but also not.. since Koa is not with us anymore… (read our Komic series). But his knowledge will be used in the legacy of the technology he developed regarding the pink energy. Like in this first version of the Pink Moon app his AR goggles. Go test them in the next hunt!

We celebrate different full moons every month, so what’s so special about the “Pink Moon”?

The Pink Moon is where it all started. In search of the origins of Kryptomon, we realized we started our project during the super pink moon of 16 April 2021. With this in mind, we embedded the moon cycle into our story. And the pink force was found.

Question for both:

Final question, what’s your favorite full moon and why?

Umberto: To be honest, I don’t have a favorite one, to me actually full moons were always something I never really cared about, but now I do cause I know that during that period of time, there are Kryptomons to catch, and there thousands of trainers hunting, this gives me joy.

Maurice: Great question! I love all full moons. But a supermoon like a pink moon is the one I love most. Also because they are rare, these are going to be special hunts.

Download the app on both Android and iOS Testflight:

Android users: http://bit.ly/3Qfs9C4

iOS Testflight users: https://apple.co/3CdJzt2

Learn more about Kryptomon: Pink Moon

As always, we love to hear from the community when we roll out new updates and products, and this time is no different! Please share with us your thoughts about the #PinkMoonApp in our Telegram or Discord channels!

Michelle Smith Gabela

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DevLog #6 | Kryptomon Market Currency Transition

It's time to talk tokens! This week, we announced that the Kryptomon Marketplace will be transitioning from Binance Coin (BNB) to our native token, $KMON.



JAN 2023

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DevLog #6 | Kryptomon Market Currency Transition

It’s time to talk tokens! This week, we announced that the Kryptomon Marketplace will be transitioning from Binance Coin (BNB) to our native token, $KMON. To gain a deeper understanding of the reasoning behind this change and the timeline for its implementation, we conducted an interview with our Founder and CEO, Umberto Canessa Cerchi.

What is the BNB to $KMON “transition” and what is the reason behind it?

Since the beginning of Kryptomon we saw the $KMON coin as the unique currency in our universe, but of course, at the very beginning was also useful to keep using BNB cause is way more used, but now we finally got to the point where we can finally ditch BNB and start only using $KMON everywhere in the Marketplace.

The reason behind its quite simple, increase the utility of the $KMON, which at the end of the day is what will really increase its value.

What would happen if we do not change our listed Kryptomons from $BNB to $KMON coin when the transition takes place?

I would say nothing, bad, but those sales won’t be shown anymore, so that’s why I highly suggest moving your sales from BNB to $KMON. Also because as some people might have seen we are now releasing a new onboarding flow for new users, making it simpler for them to buy their first Kryptomon, and if your sale is on BNB it won’t be proposed.

And I know that you might think that the $KMON is highly volatile, but again we got you covered somewhere close to the end of Q1 we will release an update of the Marketplace which will allow you to actually define the cost of your Kryptomon in USD Dollars, and then the system will take to keep the price in $KMON updated :D

Do we still need BNB as a gas fee when making transactions in the Kryptomon Marketplace?

Yes, for the time being, but as soon as the full $KMON transition is done, we will take care also of removing BNB gas fees, and also have the gas fees paid in $KMON :)

Are there any additional utilities planned in the future for the $KMON coin?

No spoiler here, but in general what our community can expect from us is always the same, we are continuously working to improve the experience and the utility of all of our products and tokens.

When shall we expect the transition to take place?

Also here we took a baby step approach, so first of all as mentioned, the update on the Marketplace will go live later on in Q1, but in the meantime, we do encourage everyone to already change their sales from BNB to $KMON, because by the end of January, the new onboarding will go live and we are going to reactivate user acquisition campaigns, so I’m sure everyone who has a Kryptomon on sale don’t wanna miss the opportunity to propose his Kryptomon to a new possible buyer ;)

Michelle Smith Gabela

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Dev Log #7 | The Future of Kryptomon Komics

As 2022 came to an end, so did our beloved comic series, Eva’s Journey. Interested in getting to know what happens next? What’s the future of Kryptomon Komics?



JAN 2023

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Dev Log #7 | The Future of Kryptomon Komics

As 2022 came to an end, so did our beloved comic series, Eva’s Journey.

Interested in getting to know what happens next? What’s the future of Kryptomon Komics? To get (almost) all your questions answered, we interviewed the Lore Master, Carter (also known as Handsome Carter) about what our Komic fans can expect in 2023.


Hey y’all, it’s Carter (aka cxsteam) here. For those of you I’ve not met just yet, I’m the Lore Master here at Kryptomon. That just means I get to spend my days building out the world of Kogaea — Making sure there’s plenty for everyone to do and discover when the game launches.

How was it like creating Eva’s Journey and seeing it come to life?

A deep sense of fulfillment is the term I’d use here. To my knowledge, we were the first project to release a comic, giving our community a sneak peek into the adventures they can expect when they enter the world of Kogaea. It wasn’t easy at times, but darn it, we did it!

But as proud as I am of what the comic has achieved, I can hardly take the credit for this amazing feat. It’s thanks to the amazing work and effort that Davide and his team puts into the comic every month that we’re now dusting off the final chapter of Eva’s Journey.

The final chapter of Eva’s Journey came to an end last month. What was your favorite chapter of the Komic?

Without a doubt, it’d be Chapter 11. We always knew that Koa was going to die, and we built up to that moment. The fact that people were invested enough in Koa as a character to message us expressing how shocked or sad they were… That was amazing.

It also really sets the tone for what we see Kryptomon and Kogaea being. A beautiful new world with adventure behind every corner? Definitely! But trainers will have to be careful, not just from the dangers hidden in Kogaea, but also from the darkness of human nature.

What does the future hold for the unstoppable heroine, Eva, in the series of Kryptomon Komics?

You’ll still see Eva about, don’t you worry. She still has a part to play in the things to come. But if we’ve proven anything with these 12 chapters, it’s that nobody is unstoppable. 😉

Are we going to see a new series of Kryptomon Komics with different characters?

Ohoh! No spoilers!

But the simple answer is… we don’t know. Not just yet at least. Now that Eva’s Journey has come to a close, we’re going to take some time to expand and refine the world we’ve created. Answer some key questions about Kogaea before we think about the next set of chapters.

For the Kryptomon Lore geeks out there, what is the plan for the lore?

Hahah, what do you want to know? That’s a question that’ll take me weeks to answer given how much stuff we’ve come up with so far. It always feels like there are a hundred and one things to flesh out at any given time.

The good news, however, is that the team has expanded! With years of experience in the gaming and comic industry, we’ve now got a solid team to shape the future of Kogaea.

What can the lore readers expect in 2023?

I hope you guys are hyped about the Kryptomon: Genesis launch! Most of Eva’s Journey occurred on Earth, but with story mode in Genesis, you’ll be taking your first steps as a trainer in Kogaea.

Besides that, definitely swing by for the Kogaean Conversations we host on Twitch. We can’t reveal too much of what we do because we want it to be a surprise for you to discover in game, but we’ll have a spoiler or two to whet your appetites. 😉

Do you want to say something to the Kryptomon Lore geeks that follow the story of Kogaea?

That your opinions matter and we want to hear them!

Our initial promise to you remains true. This is a world we want to build together with our community, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, no matter how small or stupid you might think it is, we want to hear from you!

Follow the dedicated Kryptomon Lore Instagram account to stay up-to-date with the latest content straight from Kogaea:


Michelle Smith Gabela

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Dev Log #8 | Behind the Creation of PvE Story Challenge

Today marks the release of the highly anticipated Krypotmon's PvE Story Challenge game mode and we are beyond excited for you to dive in and explore it.



FEB 2023

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Dev Log #8 | Behind the Creation of PvE Story Challenge

Today marks the release of the highly anticipated s PvE Story Challenge game mode and we are beyond excited for you to dive in and explore it. To gain insight into the development of this mode, we spoke with Brian, our Chief Product Officer and SVP of Game Development, who was a key player in bringing it to life. Sit back, relax and enjoy the secrets behind the creation of PvE Story Challenge.


Hi Everyone — Brian aka Hack1ge here again! Unless you have been spending too much time at the pub drowning your sorrows in Kogaean Ale — you likely know I am the Chief Product Officer and SVP of Game Development here at Kryptomon.

The highly anticipated Story Challenge game mode has finally been released to the public. How did it feel to deliver the product to our community after so many months of planning and development?

We really do care a lot about delivering on our promises and producing high quality game play so it’s really amazing to see where Kryptomon has come from its initial conception to what this first gameplay mode brings. It has been a ton of work and lots of long hours but I think the final product has really been well received in the closed beta.

Although players haven’t quite gotten to the harder chapters yet so maybe they will end up hating me at some point — but you know what they say once a villain always a villain.

It has been a very large challenge for us as the original plan for the gameplay mode was much smaller. This release ended up becoming really what could be considered a full fledged game in and of itself. We set off with the goal of creating gameplay that could be enjoyed by both casual and hardcore players and that all Kryptomon trainers could experience but it became apparent pretty quickly more was needed to accomplish this.

We started by adding battle consumables as a way for weaker Kryptomon to improve their genes and take on stronger opponents which was already something on the roadmap for the future but much later. After some heavy simulations, we realized this wasn’t going to be enough and we added armor which required major additions to the games UI and battle engine.

What difficulties arise in designing a game with a narrative structure?

It’s funny because I was always that guy that rushed through quests in games and never read the story or dialogues and just focused on the game play but I’ve come to appreciate that without the story the game is flat.

There was this big hype about the metaverse last year but I always felt that in order to create an immersive world you needed more and I’m realizing more that metaverses have been around for a long time in games and that is really why we have taken the direction to heavily rely on storytelling to build up the world of Kogaea.

Our goal with this was really to have the story and the gameplay build off each other and I think any player that skips out on the story dialogues will be missing a lot of the fun of this game mode.

With the “vanilla version” already out, is there a plan in the near future to add additional mechanics to the Story Challenge itself?

This game release has been pretty extensive — normally I would have waited to release things like armor or consumables in update patches. Story Challenge itself is actually relatively feature complete but we are always looking for ways to improve or add uniqueness.

For example, Story Challenge is actually a framework and we will be extending that framework to build what we are calling “Limited-Time Challenges” that have unique themes and unique rewards. This will allow us to continue to expand the game ecosystem and add more variety of items / NFTs.

We have also had discussions with the Lore team regarding the potential for this initial phase to be just one of many stories and expanding the game to tell more of the unique history of Kogaea.

Additional Questions:

Who is your favorite character in the game?

Bo-bo but that’s a story for another day….

The kommunity is asking: Where’s Eva? Any clues? Spoilers perhaps? ;)

My lips are sealed — if I start leaking spoilers on Lore then I can only imagine what Carter will end up doing with the access he has to the game roadmap.

Have you completed Hero Mode?

I have played matches during testing and finished earlier versions but we are still in the process of tuning the game mode. We have some new additions to the battle engine coming out in the next few releases that will help us better dial in the difficulty level. Right now the bots I think are like level 75 or 80 and even in diamond armor it’s brutal.

Learn more about Kryptomon: Genesis at: https://www.kryptomon.co/genesis

Michelle Smith Gabela

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