Dev Log #7 | The Future of Kryptomon Komics

As 2022 came to an end, so did our beloved comic series, Eva’s Journey.
Interested in getting to know what happens next? What’s the future of Kryptomon Komics? To get (almost) all your questions answered, we interviewed the Lore Master, Carter (also known as Handsome Carter) about what our Komic fans can expect in 2023.
Hey y’all, it’s Carter (aka cxsteam) here. For those of you I’ve not met just yet, I’m the Lore Master here at Kryptomon. That just means I get to spend my days building out the world of Kogaea — Making sure there’s plenty for everyone to do and discover when the game launches.
How was it like creating Eva’s Journey and seeing it come to life?
A deep sense of fulfillment is the term I’d use here. To my knowledge, we were the first project to release a comic, giving our community a sneak peek into the adventures they can expect when they enter the world of Kogaea. It wasn’t easy at times, but darn it, we did it!
But as proud as I am of what the comic has achieved, I can hardly take the credit for this amazing feat. It’s thanks to the amazing work and effort that Davide and his team puts into the comic every month that we’re now dusting off the final chapter of Eva’s Journey.
The final chapter of Eva’s Journey came to an end last month. What was your favorite chapter of the Komic?
Without a doubt, it’d be Chapter 11. We always knew that Koa was going to die, and we built up to that moment. The fact that people were invested enough in Koa as a character to message us expressing how shocked or sad they were… That was amazing.
It also really sets the tone for what we see Kryptomon and Kogaea being. A beautiful new world with adventure behind every corner? Definitely! But trainers will have to be careful, not just from the dangers hidden in Kogaea, but also from the darkness of human nature.
What does the future hold for the unstoppable heroine, Eva, in the series of Kryptomon Komics?
You’ll still see Eva about, don’t you worry. She still has a part to play in the things to come. But if we’ve proven anything with these 12 chapters, it’s that nobody is unstoppable. 😉

Are we going to see a new series of Kryptomon Komics with different characters?
Ohoh! No spoilers!
But the simple answer is… we don’t know. Not just yet at least. Now that Eva’s Journey has come to a close, we’re going to take some time to expand and refine the world we’ve created. Answer some key questions about Kogaea before we think about the next set of chapters.
For the Kryptomon Lore geeks out there, what is the plan for the lore?
Hahah, what do you want to know? That’s a question that’ll take me weeks to answer given how much stuff we’ve come up with so far. It always feels like there are a hundred and one things to flesh out at any given time.
The good news, however, is that the team has expanded! With years of experience in the gaming and comic industry, we’ve now got a solid team to shape the future of Kogaea.
What can the lore readers expect in 2023?
I hope you guys are hyped about the Kryptomon: Genesis launch! Most of Eva’s Journey occurred on Earth, but with story mode in Genesis, you’ll be taking your first steps as a trainer in Kogaea.
Besides that, definitely swing by for the Kogaean Conversations we host on Twitch. We can’t reveal too much of what we do because we want it to be a surprise for you to discover in game, but we’ll have a spoiler or two to whet your appetites. 😉
Do you want to say something to the Kryptomon Lore geeks that follow the story of Kogaea?
That your opinions matter and we want to hear them!
Our initial promise to you remains true. This is a world we want to build together with our community, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, no matter how small or stupid you might think it is, we want to hear from you!
Follow the dedicated Kryptomon Lore Instagram account to stay up-to-date with the latest content straight from Kogaea: