$KMON Staking to Earn Points for $PIMS

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June 11, 2024

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Kryptomon — Bringing Crypto to the Masses

“We are thrilled to partner with Kryptomon to enable seamless and secure $KMON onramps for billions of gamers, globally”, — said Ari Last, VP Business Development at Simplex.




August 25, 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #1

It’s been some time since we found the eggs. Was it by design or by chance that there were exactly 10,000 eggs? Is there a significance to this number?




August 23, 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #9

The bank? THE Keystone Bank??? Of course they had something to do with it.



4 APR 2022

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[Koa’s Lab — April]

The bank?

THE Keystone Bank???

Of course they had something to do with it. The pink serum is a breakthrough in the production and storage of clean energy. It has the potential to bring energy generation and battery companies like Siemens or Tesla to its knees if word ever got out.

But then why interfere now? It’s their money that funds this research, this entire operation. They already own the intellectual property rights to everything that we do here. Eventually I would have just handed them the data and all the pink serum we had. Why risk blowing up the lab?

Unless it wasn’t the bank? Could it have been Tesla or a worried competitor out there who’s trying steal it all and pin it on the bank?

Either way, this is the biggest lead I’ve gotten so far. Embie has been gone for months now and the bank, or whoever was in that van, is my only chance of getting him back. With any luck, I’ll be able to magnify the picture, get the plate number and start tracking it down.

For now… the best thing to do is to pretend like I know nothing so I don’t spook whoever was in that van. Not until I’ve found Embie.

High Stakes with Dangerous Consequences

Eva can never find out. She wouldn’t believe me anyways, with the bank being the only reason she’s still alive right now.

This isn’t us playing James Bond and going on pretend spy missions anymore. She really could have died out there, alone and with no support. It was my fault for sending her there, with barely any information on what Diabaté was doing. I sure as hell ain’t about to make that mistake again.

Eva thinks this Elias character was there by coincidence, and he did save her life. But knowing what I now know about the bank, could it really be that simple? The logical side of me knows that it’s likely only the top dogs will have access to that kind of information so is he one of them or is he just a regular employee who happened to be in the right place at the right time?

Regardless, I’m not putting Eva in that kind of danger again. I can tell she doesn’t want to worry me, but there’s no way I’m letting her go to Greece by herself. Not again. We’ll have Kyros and Fyllo with us there as well so fingers crossed, nothing out of the ordinary will happen.


Speaking of Fyllo, this evolution changes everything! It’s also proof that there’s just so much more about Kryptomon that we don’t know yet. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eager to see how Fyllo’s changed since the evolution. We theorized that Kryptomons wouldn’t grow the same way humans did, but this rapid overnight growth confirms it.

What new powers will Fyllo now have access to in its evolved form? Or maybe increased control over its existing elemental powers? Fyllo’s always been able to manipulate small plant life in a limited area around him, so I wonder if that limitation has changed. The ability to control larger plant life? Increased range?

Most importantly though, is what triggered this evolution? Could it be triggered again for more growth? Hopefully we’ll get some answers when we travel to Greece next month.

In other updates, there’s only 4 more months until I can finally get rid of Lise. God that girl is going to be the death of me! She is precisely what you’d imagine if a min-maxer in DnD dumped all of their points into Intelligence and used Wisdom as a dump stat.

Just the other day she started live-streaming in the lab. A lab filled with top… secret… research.

Sigh… I’m a fan of the apprenticeship program, but leave apprentices to scientists in more traditional labs. Not in mine where we barely know what we’re doing half the time and her negligence could quite literally get all of us killed.

The little “monster” was overjoyed when she heard I’d be leaving for Greece. I just hope Wang will be able to keep her in check and I won’t come back to find my lab completely dyed in pink. 😑

Carter Mah

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Elias’s Diary #2

Today in the boardroom, there was something about how the sunset squinted through the east wing blinds, like it was eavesdropping…



18 APR 2022

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Today in the boardroom, there was something about how the sunset squinted through the east wing blinds, like it was eavesdropping…

Sideways beams quietly slashing across the conference table…

The energy has shifted at KeyStone, and quickly. Like a sudden change in air pressure or something… Ever since I presented the Eclipse-related research to Charles in private, it seems like he has set everyone on their own little private mission in the company. Confidentiality everywhere. There’s a certain secretiveness that has come over the corporate floor, and everyone is acting normal about it. Something has shifted. I wonder what dad is telling everyone to do…

I know my part. Diabaté’s findings must have been pretty impressive, because I’ve been tasked with our highest-level investments. It’s a promotion by name, but my main task is to serve as a liaison, or agent, or whatever. Pageboy? Thanks but no thanks, dad.

I won’t complain too much, though. The encounter with Eva shows me that, moving forward, she will be a very interesting person to follow. I mean, she also surprised me. I never expected a scientist — usually so cold in their research and oblivious in their social skills, clueless… Hmm.. Eva was very warm to me, despite all of the skepticism she must’ve had for me, the banker.

She didn’t come across as a scientist, really. She came across as a bonafide Kryptomon Trainer, like the ones I saw saving the day and taking on headlines during the Eclipse Disaster in November. It seemed like she saw the same thing in me, but she’s wrong. I’m not a Kryptomon Trainer. I’m a… banker. I guess. A banker who walks away from explosions. Hah, I keep having to remind myself I work for a bank and not for Dr. Doom.

Next steps: see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Dad is ready to unveil his big plan from all of this research, which, interestingly enough, is heavily invested in Kryptomon Trainers: infrastructure, support, publicity, and a lot of money. He hasn’t said anything to me about the Eclipse or Diabaté’s research, but I know it must play a part in all of this. Time to play the field.

First, I need to meet the fabled Professor Emmanuel Koa… I hear he’s not as socialized as Eva, but we’ll see. In fact, I hear he’s kind of a fool. Thrilled.

About Kryptomon
Kryptomon is a Play-to-Earn blockchain game set in its own Kryptomon-verse, filled with battles, excitement, and adventure for trainers to experience. Join now!


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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #10

As I set my pen to paper, a veritable torrent of emotions war within me, each fighting to be heard.



9 MAY 2022

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[Kyros’s Study in Greece — May]

As I set my pen to paper, a veritable torrent of emotions war within me, each fighting to be heard. Exhilaration and curiosity at the possibility that Kryptomons might have existed before our time; longing for Embie and the determination to use this arena battle as a chance to discover clues about his whereabouts; guilt for dragging Eva into something she strongly opposes…

But isn’t that precisely why I keep this log? A safe space where I might try to make sense of the chaos, where I can admit that I’m not some infallible superhero or the “Father of Kryptomon” and that I have desires or make just as many mistakes as the next guy.

So let’s start at the beginning.

Conspiracy or Kryptomonspiracy?

There is so much to unpack here. The assumption we’ll have to make is that those murals in the ruins actually are referencing Kryptomon and not yet another species we’ve never heard of before. A large leap for sure, but just imagine the ramifications of this discovery!

How is it possible that we’ve never heard of Kryptomons before? There is no doubt that those murals are thousands of years old, but nowhere in our rich history is any mention of humans coming into contact with… pets that can seemingly bend the very elements to their whim. Not only is there no information on Kryptomon whatsoever, there were also no Kryptomons on Earth prior to that fateful day when we discovered the batch of 10,000.

This then begs the question - What happened? Did the Kryptomons get wiped out in a manner similar to the dinosaurs? Did we simply lose all knowledge of Kryptomon to time or is there some conspiracy that destroyed all of it? What became of those who previously came into contact with Kryptomons all those years ago?

And what of those 2 Kryptomons pictured on the mural? Seemingly locked in battle, they differ significantly from the Kryptomons we see today in both shape and color. The artist must have felt them both important enough to be the focus of his/her work, so who are they?

There are just too many questions that we have no answers to at this point. Why was the black Kryptomon pictured in an egg of some sort in the middle of the mural? What was in the top right corner that we’ve now lost to time? Who are the 3 humans in the bottom panel and what are they doing?

If only I had more time for research.

Keystone Arena

It’s being called the Keystone Arena, a place where trainers from all around the world can come together, train and battle each other. A revolutionary idea if social media is to be any judge, given how quickly it’s blown up in the few hours after the interview was aired. Already titles like “The next Olympic sport!” are popping up on forums everywhere along with projections for how much revenue this could bring in from sponsors and companies eager to associate their brand to this new event.

Where others might see a shot at fame and fortune amongst the glitzy lights and confetti, all I see is the man who might be able to shed some light on Embie’s disappearance the night of the fire. I see a chance to finally rub shoulders with the illustrious Charles Pound, CEO of Keystone Bank and hopefully get some answers.

I’m not foolish enough to expect that the man will go out of his way to help me. “Father of Kryptomon” or not, my title will only get me so far in the upper circles of Keystone’s hierarchy. But if it can unlock a few doors and help allay any suspicions that I might be onto them, it’ll have served it’s purpose; the rest will be up to some good old fashioned reconnaissance.

Kyros was willing enough to participate in the competition to justify a reason for us being there, but Eva absolutely detested the notion of Kryptomons being made to battle each other for sport. And why wouldn’t she? Would you willingly force your best friend up onto an MMA ring where they could get seriously hurt for money?

To add fuel to the fire, where MMA fighters flail against each other with just their fists and feet, who knows what’ll happen in a heated battle between Kryptomons? We’ve still to understand the degree in which Kryptomons can manipulate the elements, but there could well be Kryptomons out there with the power to direct millions of volts of electricity or blaze a trail of destruction with gouts of flame. The risk of permanent damage or even death is very, very real.

I know all of that, I do. But I need Eva there for her connections to the upper echelons of Keystone. Between her performance at the New Year party and her recent run in with Elias Pound, she’s my best shot at schmoozing my way into some clues of Embie. I could see the understanding in her eyes as well, how a chance like this might never come again.

I’m coming for you Embie

The ruins can wait. As much as I’m dying to dig into what this new discovery could mean for us and Kryptomons, the ruins and all its secrets will still be here when I get back. Embie however, needs me now and nothing could be more important.

I haven’t given up on you Embie. One way or another, I’ll find you.

About Kryptomon
Raise your own living NFT in the Kryptomon-verse as you battle and go on adventures with your personal Kryptomon exploring the Kryptomon NFT Game.

Carter Mah

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A note from the CEO

The events happening in the wider crypto space over the past 2 days is something that no one saw coming...



13 MAY 2022

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Dear trainers,

The events happening in the wider crypto space over the past 2 days is something that no one saw coming. At the time of writing the entire crypto market is in upheaval where billions of dollars have been lost, uncertainty is rife and many people have lost their life savings.

It’s crazy to think how things can turn upside down in just a matter of days.

Given the current market conditions, not a single project or token was spared and unfortunately, our KMON token has also been impacted. Unfortunate because this happened just as we had begun our month of big announcements — a new partnership with the Bybit listing, the Crypto.com NFT mystery box sale etc etc, and finally moving away from what seemed like an eternal $0.03 price point.

Kryptomon will thrive

But! All hope is not lost and I’m writing this message to hopefully help give you a measure of comfort and alleviate some of the fears you might have. (I’ll also drop a small spoiler as that is what I do after all!)

The Kryptomon Company, despite the turmoil in the market, is in a great position. Technically speaking, aside from our employees’ personal losses and the empathy we have for those who were affected by this significant drawdown within the crypto markets, our company’s ability to deliver a great game has not been affected whatsoever. This can be attributed to the 4 following reasons:

We are well funded

For months there have been rumors in the community that we were raising money from VCs and strategic investors…well, those rumors are true.

YES, we have raised capital from VCs and strategic investors but the main reason why this is good news for our token holders is that we have raised the money in equity and not in tokens.

We have sold equity in the Kryptomon Company to investors, and not a single treasury token

The reason why we decided to go down this route despite knowing from the onset that it would be a far more difficult deal to sell to traditional investors, is because we want our investors to stick with us for the long haul. We wanted investors who believe in the Kryptomon Company instead of those that invest just to sell the KMON token as soon as it vests. Both the interests of our community and our investors’ are equally important to us.

As of today, we have not sold a single treasury token, and we have no plans of doing so

This equity round has given us the financial capability to keep working and growing without being worried about the price of KMON. To put simply, not a single KMON token has been added to the current circulating supply as a result of our fundraising. You can all rest assured that the KMON’s value remains strong and no new selling pressure from large VCs has or will be added!

Whatever the state of the crypto market, we’ll still be here busy building the Kryptomon metaverse.

At the end of the day, I wanted the team to be free from worry regarding their position within the company and to be solely focused on the only thing that matters — creating a great product that can deliver fun, entertainment and value to all of you, our community.

We are growing even as the markets are struggling

Every day new people are joining our community and our team, which as of today, counts 30 full-time employees. We aren’t stopping however, and we fully plan on reaching 50 employees by the end of the year.

KMON has a real economy and real utility

By focusing on building a great game, perfecting its economy and building our user base, we will increase the intrinsic value of the KMON token itself. We have the best minds and advisors onboard that are working tirelessly to perfect and maintain these for the benefit of us all.

So what does this all mean?

During these uncertain times, the silver lining lies in how we can use this as an opportunity for us as a company, a team, and a community to better position ourselves in the blockchain gaming space.

While we have great empathy towards other gaming projects who will not be able to sustain themselves during these times of hardship, this is a chance for us to build and cement our position as one of the leading blockchain gaming companies. We will keep growing, and when this bear market ends (and it will !), the Kryptomon Company and $KMON will continue to be the reliable company in which you can trust, invest in and enjoy playing its games.

Due to all of the above, we have come to an important decision — to start working on this new positioning. That means that we will start to act like a publicly traded company (because at the end of the day, in the crypto space, we are one), so you will start seeing more information and updates about how the company is doing along with our future strategies.

Since the beginning of this journey we have always said: “We are first and foremost a gaming company — not just a crypto project” and you, as our friends, investors and players deserve nothing less than a serious and reliable company who will build the product it has promised and envisioned to create since day one.

With love,



How much did we raise and who from? Well, I can’t give all the spoilers in one go! 😉 Jokes aside, we’re planning on sharing exactly that in no time so stay tuned!


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