$KMON Staking to Earn Points for $PIMS

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June 11, 2024

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Exploring the World of Web3 Gaming with KMON Game Saga



Berend Ouwerling

January 15, 2024

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This week in Italian Stores: KMON Hunters Trading Card Game



Michelle Smith Gabela

January 12, 2024

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KMON’s Battle League: Season Start Rundown

Are you ready, Champion? We just released the latest game mode: Battle League (PVP) on iOS, Android, and Windows.



Michelle Smith Gabela

December 14, 2023

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Unleashing The Epic Evolution of Kryptomons through Level Migration

Uncover with us the latest hot topic in Kogaea, Level Migration! It is not as complicated as it sounds, and we are here to explore what it means and how it can benefit you and



Michelle Smith Gabela

December 6, 2023

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WOKtober: Get Ready to Enter the World of Kogaea

The World of Kogaea is about to open its doors once again to all adventures who dare to explore the unknown. Are you going to be one of them?



Michelle Smith Gabela

October 23, 2023

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WOKtober: A Month of KMON Adventures!

Are you ready for an eggstraordinary journey like no other? We've got something exciting coming your way from October 11th to November 5th.



Michelle Smith Gabela

October 11, 2023

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #3

“But, that’s impossible…”. This was the most heard sentence in the lab since the cryptography team had cracked the code behind the location pattern of the eggs.



28 SEP 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #3

Day #88 after the incident


Do you know that feeling when you realize you’re living through something that is going to change your life? That’s how I feel more and more everyday.

“But, that’s impossible…”. This was the most heard sentence in the lab since the cryptography team had cracked the code behind the location pattern of the eggs. Because, well, it did seem impossible… Instead of finding answers, it seems that all we’ve stumbled upon are more questions.

Initially converting the numbers into letters, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the resulting letters. However, realizing that the 32 egg types could be further condensed into just 8 egg types (fire, water, ground…etc), Dr. TeleTextTrader immediately recognized that these random letters… might not be so random after all. After some trial and error shifting each letter either 8 letters forward or backwards, the message became clear.

Live well my children?” When TeleTextTrader uttered the message to the team, the lab fell silent like I’ve never heard it. Just the whispering buzz of the incubator lights and dozens of researchers dumbstruck. Something like reverent silence. This breakthrough was just what our team needed in all this frustration. There was no better way to hear those words: from the mouth of a human in translation, since TeleTextTrader solved it before the supercomputer did. I would hate to hear those words from Microsoft Sam.

But what does it mean? As flabbergasted as I was, there’s no doubt that this was a message left behind intentionally for us to find. With such random egg batch numbers, how could it be a coincidence? This changes everything. We are not in the black box anymore. We will keep the cryptology close at hand from here on out: we need to keep our ears open and decoders at hand.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .


The logical conclusion is that these eggs we’ve found are someone’s… or rather something’s children. Is it a father? A mother?

What if I’m wrong? What if the “children” in the message aren’t the eggs but something else? Are we the children? Is this a letter on the gift? These questions nag me, but I must stay focused.

More importantly, if this… parent could leave behind 10,000 eggs, what if there are more of them? What if there are eggs scattered across the world, waiting to be found? How many more countries will we need to scour so that we don’t miss any of these eggs? And what can we say about these eggs we manage to find? The codes have told us more than we could ever figure out ourselves. But there must be more to be understood from them directly. We must carry on.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .


I thought I was going crazy this morning watching these eggs. As I was taking surface temperatures of the eggs under incubation, I noticed an unexpected visual distortion from a flaming egg: it seemed to blur its image to the naked eye, the curled flames seem to come in and out of focus — but my words fail me here. It didn’t look like a blur or a smear, but something quite the opposite: a spark of crystals collapsing into itself, like broken pixels in real physical space.

These bursts continued to happen periodically, so I gathered the team to observe and attempt to produce video materials of the phenomenon. We waited for thirty minutes for the egg to pixelate again (Dr. Pacanowski wondered if this would be the unborn creature tapping the shell of its vessel?). I almost fell out of my chair when it happened, I saw clear as day the flaming egg bursting its pixels, but the team looked at me like I was crazy — just seeing stars. They didn’t see anything. Video replay of the egg also showed no distortions… Dr. P was particularly disappointed. But ten years of graduate school did not prepare me to admit this was a fluke. These observations could be a piece of the puzzle… And besides, we have so few pieces at this point, so we must take any chance we get to find a pattern.

I spent the night logging the intervals (in seconds) between the pixely distortions…I’ve never had to focus so hard in my life. The randomness seemed to never end… but this morning it finally closed the second loop. I found a sequence. Yes it’s definitely there, but I’m exhausted and my mind can’t function anymore before getting some sleep. I’ll send the sequence over to the cryptography team and wait for their results. But after what we found out last time, I know that there is, and perhaps it’s the key to better understanding this mystery…

Intervals between distortions in seconds


                                                                                                                            .  .  .

-End of Entry 88 in Koa’s Diary-

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

⭐Lore Challenge #2! ⭐

Lore Challenge #1 Winners!

Well done to TeleTextTrader, hydraranger2 and GmaEugene for their performance in the last Lore Challenge. Barely 15 minutes after the clue was released on Thursday, TeleTextTrader became the winner of Egg 1 as the first person to crack the code! Though 9 people ended up solving it by the deadline, hydraranger2 came out as the lucky winner of Egg 2! And finally, GmaEugene aren’t you glad you retweeted and liked our Tweet? Because he was the winner of Egg 3!

Professor Koa still needs help!

We’re not done yet though! There’s still so much we don’t know about Kryptomon and the second Lore Challenge sees Professor Koa stumped in his lab, trying to understand how the eggs seem to just disappear from the lab! Is there even a message or is it just a mass of random numbers? Can YOU figure it out before the supercomputer does?

For those who are up for the challenge, like, retweet and comment on the tweet accompanying this lore piece and let us know your answer! 😉

Rules Update!

Remember that you will need to complete a series of tasks in order for your answer to be considered valid, which are to:

  • Like and retweet the official Kryptomon tweet linked above
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Provide your Twitter handle, name and email so that we can contact you if you win
  • Enter your BSC wallet address
  • Submit an answer!

I am however, updating the rules slightly. There are 2 main changes to take notice of:

  • Explain how you got to your answer. There’s no need to explain in great detail (unless you’d like to of course), but I do ask that you explain the solution to make sure you didn’t just “steal” the answer from someone else.
  • Submit additional answers in new forms. I’ve updated the form such that it no longer allows for editing after you’ve submitted it. You can still submit as many answers as you’d like, but this just helps me track who was the first one to solve it.

The full set of rules and a more detailed explanation of how Lore Challenges work can be found here in this article.

Good luck trainers!

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

PS: I’ve also left a clue for you guys somewhere else. You might want to start checking out our announcements for a clue of where that “somewhere” might be. I have however, actually made a mistake with that clue so when you eventually do find it, and I know all of you will 😉, replace one of the “i” with an “o”.


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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #4

What appeared to be just random numbers… actually were only random numbers, except that in the middle of them a message: “THE CHOSEN BOND”.



05 OCT 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #4

Day #94 after the incident


This has been a good week. No, it’s been an AMAZING week. After months of puzzling over these eggs and the weird incidents that have been happening we’re finally making some progress. It’s the second week now with a breakthrough, and the messages seem to be coming in more clearly. This time: another revelation. We sent the distortion pattern to cryptography, and after six days of tweaking and toiling, our very own Dr Xhionz managed to find it. What appeared to be just random numbers… actually were only random numbers, except that in the middle of them a message: THE CHOSEN BOND.

I get giddy just thinking about it. I’m not crazy. I’m right. This message explains so much; it’s almost as if this egg was speaking directly to me. But not just me! On Thursday, Prof. Bere saw the same pattern blinking at her from a water-bound egg (dare I say her egg?), and as the weekend went on, more members of our lab had found a particular egg that pixelated at them and them alone. You can imagine the disappointment of our fellow researchers who haven’t yet found “their egg”… How do they know us? What about the rest of us?

The questions only get more urgent and more personal. I’ve never seen this lab so early to rise, coffees so quick to brew, and work so ready to be done. I hear chatter from the interns that they hope an egg might flash its pixely show for them, too. We must find how these eggs have imprinted on some of us, or how we have imprinted on them. I believe our best lead is digital-electromagnetic analysis, based on the complicated nature of these visual distortions; perhaps we can capture them for a closer look.


I should have expected things wouldn’t get simpler from this point out. This morning, we filled the lab before sunrise, and our EM-imaging and electron microscopic equipment was ready to go. We were hoping to get messages directly from the source (mother?, father?) by analyzing the radiation or mapping out the surfaces on a digital matrix, but the result has proven more puzzling than the naked-eye observations. We expected more encryption from what we’ve seen so far. And that’s what we got, but worse.

The digital images we produced were completely illegible, incomprehensible even… we thought at first that our equipment couldn’t handle the electromagnetic load — we expected powerful waves from a thing like a flaming egg, but the signals were manageable in volume: it was rather the image that was beyond quantification. The screens looked like black-white quicksilver, always moving, shifting with no pattern, a million-fold distortion of an image, like the dead pixels we had seen with our own eyes but over and over again every instant. All of our AI image analysis was nonsensical, the images of these eggs changed faster than the neural network could spin its webs of logic.

Whatever code this might be, it is too slippery to make intelligible at this point. The odds of finding a decryptable number in this mess is like hitting 777 on a slot machine: we’re trying to hit a moving target. We will be trying a different angle of attack this afternoon to get as much information about the material of their surfaces through chemical spectrum analysis, and perhaps find a key to this that will tell us why the eggs are behaving this way. Whatever laid these eggs, it certainly made them hard to crack. But we’re too close now… The chosen bond… who else could figure this out but us? Unless we’re kidding ourselves, we are the chosen ones.


Where previously the eggshells themselves were impossible to analyze (how does one begin to analyze an egg that’s constantly on fire?), the higher-ups finally brought in equipment that could withstand everything from freezing cold to relentless heat. Finally, finally we could begin to learn about what wicked substance could produce such staggering material effects. The lab murmured with hypothesis of alien substances, new elements to be discovered, Nobel prizes to be won…

But alas, it seems that the mysteries of these eggs are not so easily solved… When we gathered our first measures, the team scrambled to locate the error. We were dumbfounded by the elements we could identify.

We ran the tests again of course. Ran it once more against a control sample to ensure the machine was in working order. Ran it AGAIN against a randomly selected sample of the 10,000 eggs. But there was no mistaking it, no matter how many times we tried the results were consistent: these eggs, each and every one of them are made up of 3 elements and 3 elements only: Nitrogen, Molybdenum, and Potassium.

It seems crazy just writing it down. As I do, I’m looking at my pixelating flaming egg. An egg supposedly made only of Nitrogen, Molybdenum, and Potassium that should be elementally identical to the one right across the room that’s crackling with electricity. It’s just not possible! What could explain a molecule like this? An alien atomic force we’ve never encountered before? The puzzles continue…


I’ve told the team to get an early night. We’ve been working ourselves to the bone these past couple of days and a good night’s sleep might be just the thing we need when we take another crack at this in the morning. I can’t bring myself to sleep, though. With all of these significant patterns coming from our observations, I can’t help but try to crunch the numbers. I’ll start with atomic numbers. I’ve brought out my trusty Ticonderoga .37278015133577 pencil from my thesis days to try my hand at some amateur cryptography. I know the pros will probably get to something first, but I better try to learn some of their skills, as encryption seems to be a consistent behavior of these specimens. But how?

One thing I do know for sure though, we’re getting close. I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen, but it’s happening soon, and we must be prepared.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

⭐Lore Challenge #3! ⭐

Lore Challenge #2 Winners!

Well done to Xhionz, nhunate and RizalDestro for their performance in the last Lore Challenge. With plenty of discussions and collaborative problem solving in our TG and Discord channels, Xhionz became the winner of Egg 1 as the first person to crack the code! Despite once again having 9 people who solved it by the deadline (with some familiar names and some new ones), nhunate secured a spot as the lucky winner of Egg 2! And finally, RizalDestro aren’t you glad you retweeted and liked our Tweet? Because he was the winner of Egg 3!

Professor Koa still needs help!

We’re not done yet though! The mysteries of the Kryptomon world are slowly becoming clearer but the third Lore Challenge sees Professor Koa and his team taking the night off, tired after weeks of analyzing the eggs and stumped by the new results from the digital imaging and the chemical composition of the eggs.

Tomorrow, the supercomputer goes back to work. The question is, can you find the hidden message before the supercomputer does?

For those who are up for the challenge, like, retweet and comment on the tweet accompanying this lore piece and let us know your answer! 😉

Rules Reminder!

Remember that you will need to complete a series of tasks in order for your answer to be considered valid, which are to:

  • Like and retweet the official Kryptomon tweet linked above
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Provide your Twitter handle, name and email so that we can contact you if you win
  • Enter your BSC wallet address
  • Submit an answer!

The full set of rules and a more detailed explanation of how Lore Challenges work can be found here in this article.

Good luck trainers!

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

PS: A personal shoutout to Mortafix and his gf who are hardcore code breakers. I’m sorry you didn’t win this time, (you did get the answer in the end!) but I’m rooting for both of you next round!


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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #5

Dr. Lu and her team from Material Sciences came yesterday morning to examine the surfaces of these eggs. Something feels wrong…



13 OCT 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #5

Day #101 after the incident


I couldn’t sleep last night. Watching these eggs is like staring into an event horizon. After a week of running every chemical analysis we could think of, we’ve yet to develop an explanation for how all these eggs could be made of the same 3 elements, yet exhibit such vastly different behaviors.

Dr. Lu and her team from Material Sciences came yesterday morning to examine the surfaces of these eggs and have asked for departmental clearance to extract samples from the shells. Something feels wrong… Are we flying too close to the sun? Why do I hesitate? Lu kept going on about the potential for these surfaces and strange molecular patterns to be replicated and used for biomedical and military purposes — I would expect nothing less from a researcher as enterprising as her — but I’m quickly realizing that our lab needs to be careful about who has access to these eggs.

It’s what’s on the inside that matters, but when will we know what’s in there? Our team is starting to feel the suspense. I for one am giddy. I would never have expected in all the failings of my career to have this many departments knocking at my door. It’s like that one song — I forget the name… it goes like “a born again hooligan only to be king againor something like that. But we’re all on the same side of this mystery… I just can’t help but feel closer. Something big is happening.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .


Despite the distractions, our lab is definitely getting a kick out of the findings so far. Nitrogen, Molybdenum, and Potassium. It eventually became too much of a mouthful and we’ve started referring to the eggs as KMON. We first started with NMOK, but eventually reshuffled the Potassium and Nitrogen around simply because KMON rolled off the tongue better.

Given what we found on Day 10 after the incident, we eventually coined the term “Kryptomon” to call them around the lab. I was thinking like a “cryptid”, but our intern made a great point that they’re more like “encrypted” based on the messages we’d found in our observations. I got a kick out of that, and, hey, it’s pretty catchy! There’s something poetic about the blockchain’s duality between encryption and transparency, a sense that “you can’t hide from the block, oh no”.

It’s been nice to have a pet name to call these things, as everyone in the lab has been obsessing over their bonded Kryptomon. I saw Prof. Bere running her hands through the little waterfalls on her egg. It’s a little funny to me. Are we too close? I tend to think not. These are just babies, after all, we shouldn’t be so standoffish to them.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .


I feel a strange guilt… or responsibility… We cannot be too fascinated by the alien surfaces of these things. There is something inside these eggs we haven’t even begun to understand. The tests will continue, but we cannot simply proceed with caution. We must proceed with compassion.

As I was closing up the lab, I turned the lights off but it only seemed brighter. The glow from these eggs mock our infrared incubators. What is a heat lamp to an egg on fire? I don’t know what came over me, but I turned off the incubator and I’ll never forget what I saw. As I approached the egg, the flames began to twirl and agitate, and as I turned off the lamp, the flames started to dance. A dancing fireball in a darkening room. The closer I came, the higher the fire leapt, almost joyfully… I couldn’t help but feel that the infant flames were speaking to me thanking me.

Facing the egg, I could feel its heat reaching long for me; I almost thought it would try to burn me. I had to pull away. I came to my senses. The incubation is protocol, and the cameras are live. As I stepped away to turn the incubators on again, the flames had settled but were moving fast like I’d never seen them. Had I just disappointed whatever was inside? The closer I looked at them, the more the flames seemed to move, like they were seeing me look at them…

I couldn’t help approaching the egg again, and thank goodness I did. The flames reached out to me as I came to it, but in a different way this time. They seemed calmer now, and the closer I came, they quieted so much I could barely feel their burning heat. It was just me and this egg on a desk in the lab… I reached my hands out and its warmth seemed to meet them as they came, and I knew it wouldn’t burn me. “I must confess, my destiny’s manifest”, an apt description as I ran my hands through the flames and marveled at how my skin felt nothing at all. Jokes on me for making fun of Prof. Bere for touching her egg like that, because here I was, and before I knew it I was hugging this Kryptomon.

Research has gotten pretty strange with these little things, in a wonderful way. I couldn’t sleep earlier, but something about the warmth of this egg got me to fall asleep like a baby. Much needed sleep too, after these past few weeks. We are.. so close.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

⭐Lore Challenge #4! ⭐

Lore Challenge #3 Winners!

Well done to jollywin8, neiladriangomez and leethelily for their performance in the last Lore Challenge. With over 130 responses this week, jollywin8 became the winner of Egg 1 as the first person to crack the code!

This week was slightly special as Umberto and I pretty much told you the answer during our Founders Talk, but I’ve only accepted answers that had both the right date AND the right explanation of how you arrived at the answer. (No, “Umberto told me so” does not count as a valid answer 😂)

This time, emerging as the lucky winner of the 2nd egg is neiladriangomez! And finally, leethelily aren’t you glad you retweeted and liked our Tweet? Because he was the winner of Egg 3!

Professor Koa still needs help!

We’re almost there! The mysteries of the Kryptomon world are slowly becoming clearer but the fourth and final Lore Challenge sees Professor Koa and his team stumped once more, unsure of how else to continue analyzing the eggs.

Is there even a message? And what in the world did Carter mean by his cryptic clue?

Historically, dashes and underscores were the two most common methods of separating words.

For those who are up for the challenge, as usual make sure you like, retweet and comment on the tweet accompanying this lore piece and let us know your answer!

Rules Reminder!

Remember that you will need to complete a series of tasks in order for your answer to be considered valid, which are to:

  • Like and retweet the official Kryptomon tweet linked above
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Provide your Twitter handle, name and email so that we can contact you if you win
  • Enter your BSC wallet address
  • Submit an answer!

The full set of rules and a more detailed explanation of how Lore Challenges work can be found here in this article.

Good luck trainers!


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Kryptomon — Your Journey Begins

The day you’ve all been waiting for, the 15th of October 2021 is the day Kryptomon eggs will start hatching in a launch that we’re now calling Version 0.5!



15 OCT 2021

Read time

Kryptomon — Your Journey Begins

Are you ready for Egg Hatching Day?

Hello trainers, welcome back to the wonderful world of Kryptomon. For those of you who tuned into our last Founder’s Talks session or solved Lore Challenge 4, we hope you’re just as giddy as we are knowing that the big day is fast approaching. For those of you who didn’t… keep reading to find out. 😉

As usual, things are never quiet here with plenty of activities kicking off to commemorate our big day. If you’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed lately or are a new trainer first discovering Kryptomon, you’re in the right place as this article looks to summarize the main few things you’ll want to keep your eye out for.

So… where to begin?

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

Egg Hatching Day

The day you’ve all been waiting for, the 15th of October 2021 is the day Kryptomon eggs will start hatching in a launch that we’re now calling Version 0.5! All around the world, trainers will meet their Kryptomon partners for the very first time and finally be able to see just what they look like.

Look at how excited Professor Koa is!

This is a huge milestone for us here at Kryptomon, and because each Kryptomon is procedurally generated from a combination of different assets, not even WE know what they’ll look like ahead of time. That’s why we really hope that every trainer out there will join us in showing off your new Kryptomon partners on the various different social media channels.

So tag us! Use the #Kryptomon or #KMON_ARMY on Twitter and remember that this is just the first step in your journey to become the best Kryptomon trainer out there.

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

300K $KMON Airdrop Hatching Day Celebration

One of the most common questions we frequently got over the past month or two was “Wen Marketing ser?”. Well, the time has come! With the eggs hatching and our Kryptomon marketplace well in the works, it’s high time the world found out about Kryptomon. To that end, the marketing team has been cooking up some interesting ideas, the first of which is our 300K $KMON Airdrop!

It’s not just any old Gleam campaign. When creating this competition, our mindset was very much: “Instead of paying an exorbitant sum of money to the various marketing or PR agencies for their services, why not keep that money in the community and pay our Kryptomon trainers to spread the word instead?”

How to participate?

That’s why starting the 12th of October 2021, the 300k $KMON Airdrop is a 2 week event where everyone, and we mean everyone, is guaranteed to walk away with a share of a whooping 300,000 KMON prize pool! Simply complete a series of simple tasks, ranging from following the official Kryptomon Twitter account to introducing friends to the game in order to earn points. The more points you have, the larger percentage of the 300,000 KMON pool you’ll be entitled to!

To reward trainers who contribute to the community daily, this event will also feature daily actions which will earn you bonus points! If that wasn’t enough, we’ve even thrown in a lottery for all participants, with 3 lucky participants walking away at the end of the 2 weeks with a Generation 9 egg each!

So what are you still waiting around for? Check it out here!

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

The Final Lore Challenge

With demand for eggs far outstripping the supply, Kryptomon eggs are currently averaging for approximately $400 on the various secondary markets. For our newer players who might not want to spend that kind of money but would like to still participate in the egg hatching event on the 15th, the fourth and final Lore Challenge might just be for you!

Professor Koa has been hard at work trying to uncover the mysteries of the Kryptomon eggs for the past month and he’s convinced he’s close! So far 12 of our best and brightest minds have won an egg each and become Kryptomon trainers by helping Professor Koa in the lab. There are only 3 eggs left before the competition ends on the 19th of October 2021 so make sure you don’t miss out!

                                                                                                                            .  .  .

Closing Thoughts

While the 15th of October 2021 marks a very special milestone in the Kryptomon journey so far, there’s still so much more to be done. We’re working closely with the game studio to bring you Version 1 as soon as possible, the lore and storyline behind Kryptomon continues to be fleshed out, Umberto and Chris still aren’t getting enough sleep with the work being put into getting the Kryptomon marketplace ready… the list goes on!

Despite that, our co-creation promise to all of you stands firm. We don’t have all the answers and if you have a suggestion on how to improve something, or an idea you’d like to share, pop on over to our Discord channel or Telegram and let us know! We’re always watching :)

See you in game trainers.

We’re always watching for suggestions that can make it the best blockchain game out there!


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