$KMON Staking to Earn Points for $PIMS

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June 11, 2024

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Kryptomon — The KMON-BNB Liquidity Mining Campaign

With the new KMON-BNB Liquidity Mining Campaign, trainers who participate will be rewarded both in KMON AND DODO tokens!




September 28, 2021

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Kryptomon — Koa’s Log #2

At these temperatures a regular egg shell should be vaporized but these “flaming eggs” seem to have no problem maintaining their structural integrity.




September 21, 2021

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Kryptomon — A Marketplace Update

Today, we’ll dive into a topic that the the community has asked for on many occasions — Our Kryptomon Marketplace!




September 17, 2021

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Kryptomon — The Lore Challenge

Discover the Kryptomon story… if you can 👀 Though the storyline has taken a backseat so far, all of that changes today!




September 15, 2021

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Kryptomon — Staking your $KMON

Staking $KMON rewards participants with tickets. The more $KMON you stake,the more tickets you earn. the more tickets you have, higher your chances of actually winning an egg.




September 6, 2021

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Kryptomon — Egg Lottery Winners

We saw an overwhelming amount of support from our trainers. Just under 20,000 trainers participated in the lottery.




August 26, 2021

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Elias Diary

Elias Diary #5 — Deathmatch

I sometimes wonder how we got to this point. I was always so sure no one could have anticipated the Pink Moon. The coming of the Kryptomon.



20 SEP 2022

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I sometimes wonder how we got to this point. I was always so sure no one could have anticipated the Pink Moon. The coming of the Kryptomon. So sure no one anticipated the Eclipse of the Kryptomon, either, but now I’m not as sure. What does dad know? There have been whispers — rumors that Charles is a wizard, or that he’s been in cahoots with Emmanuel Koa, or that he is a Kryptomon himself? Pathetic rumors, really, coming from these “high level” executives. They marvel like peasants to the king: their questions never bring skepticism. That’s the power of a true leader. These little executives (titles like Vice President or Portfolio Director don’t hide their littleness) have no idea what it means to be a self-made man. But dad raised me differently. From the very beginning, I’ve been assigned to steep into the world of humans and Kryptomon. It was no mistake I was sent to intercept Eva in Africa. The Pound family is going down the rabbit hole.

I remember my first investigation into Kryptomon, even before the November Eclipse I was sent to Cincinnati to find a figure named Krow. He had been running Kryptomon bloodsport in the old punk clubs since summer 2021: illegal battle rings, the first Kryptomon games…

By October, Krow had upgraded his network and infrastructure to the cutting edge: cages, shock collars, chemicals — anything to maximize the spectacle, to see the elements explode against each other in the ring. I will never forget the first deathmatch I saw. Ghost versus Grass. You could see the raw energy and agitation pouring out of these creatures. A beautiful mess. When the gamblers would get excited, they would inch closer to the battle ring to feel the forces pushing them back. One guy passed out from being too close to the Ghost Kryptomon’s miasma attacks. Is this how we imagined our first contact with alien life going down? At the time, I wasn’t even surprised. Are we the brave Icarus or merely moths to the flame?


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Dev Log

Dev Log #3 | Kryptomon Pooower-Ups!

Kryptomon Power-Ups are finally here! Wondering what they are, their utility, and how to obtain them?



07 OCT 2022

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Kryptomon Power-Ups are finally here! Wondering what they are, their utility, and how to obtain them? To get all your questions answered deep dive into the third edition of our Dev Log brought to you by our SVP, Brian Bento aka Hack1ge.

Hi everyone — Brian aka Hack1ge here again! For those of you who haven’t read my last Dev Log — I’m the Chief Product Officer and SVP of Game Development here at Kryptomon. I’m also known in the community as the supervillain, final boss, Frieza, Thanos — every good story needs a bad guy, what can I say.

So first of all, what are Power-Ups?

As a Kryptomon trainer, you know that one of the key aspects of the game is our caring / Tamagotchi mechanic. This is foundational and impacts everything from training to battles. The caring boost power-ups are NFTs that you can own that improve the efficiency of your caring activities for all of the Kryptomon you own — everything from feeding to health to training.

In every NFT we release there should be a reason behind it, what’s the reason the Power-Ups were born?

As many of you know I’m a huge proponent of having actual utility and usage for NFTs when we create them and it’s a pet peeve of mine when projects drop NFTs that don’t do anything. These power-ups will work straight away and they are designed to help reduce your reliance on items in the caring system. As battles ramp up and training becomes more important, trainers will have a heavy dependence on caring items and so these power-ups are a way for you to reduce the number you need in your daily gameplay. In addition, the training boost will help reduce the time needed to train and increase your Kryptomons strength in battle faster.

Where can we get them?

There are a number of ways you can get the power-ups — first and foremost they will be used as a reward from the weekly quest lines specifically for quest 10. Each week if you complete quest 10 you will receive a random token that can be used in our new blueprint blockchain crafting system to purchase or upgrade the power-ups.

Secondly, the tokens will eventually be sold in our new Item Shop on the Kryptomon Marketplace and will be available for players interested in speeding up their progress to upgrade the NFTs. In addition, the tokens will also be purchasable by candies received from our KMON staking system.

Also as a special bonus to our current players, we will be offering a one-time Launch Day bundle that allows you to purchase 1 of each token (food, health, toy, and training) with a chance to randomly win a pre-upgraded NFT of various levels. This one-time deal will give players a chance to get a head start on their caring boosts and could be as much as a $250 discount.

Can we sell them in the future?

All of the power-ups will be able to be sold on the Kryptomon marketplace in the upcoming release. However, the tokens used for upgrades are what are known as “bound” and cannot be sold. A “bound” item is any NFT that is used in our crafting system that cannot be sold or transferred from the wallet.

Will Power-Ups play a huge part in the future of competitive Kryptomon battles?

These caring boost power-ups are not designed to enhance your Kryptomon’s abilities in battle but they can have a dramatic impact on the future of competitive play. For example, the ability to have Love boost up for increased speed could be a huge factor for high-level competitive play, and having these power-ups will allow you to more easily keep Kryptomon in this state.

Also, battles cause a Kryptomon to lose their health and so over time, this can limit the amount of battles you can complete in a day. As more game modes are released more battles will be required — especially in PVP where ladder play will not be limited and players can play all day long. These power-ups become a key factor in determining how much you can advance per day.

Can we expect more Power Ups in the future?

These power-ups are focused primarily on the caring / Tamagotchi aspect of the game and likely are the only ones we will release for this purpose. However, the technology used to create our blockchain-based blueprint system will open the door for all kinds of future enhancements to gameplay through NFTs. I’d definitely keep your eyes out for more information on things like armor which use a similar system and will drastically impact your power in battle.

Any closing thoughts/messages to the community?

As always, we love to hear from the community when we roll out new features and this time is no different. This is our first time using our new blockchain blueprint system and we are excited about the prospects for the future because adding new NFTs and new blueprints requires almost no code at all. These first NFT items are a huge milestone for us as a project towards our future vision of being the premier battle RPG game on the blockchain.

Michelle Smith Gabela

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Kyros’s Update #4

Hey nerd, It feels weird, writing this with everything that’s happened. But we’ve been trading these emails back and forth for so long that it’s practically a habit.



NOV 2022

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Hey nerd,

It feels weird, writing this with everything that’s happened. But we’ve been trading these emails back and forth for so long that it’s practically a habit. Keeps me calm, helps me focus.

It’s been tough lately, but we’re doing everything we can. Can you believe that Wang, Eva and I are now considered the “world’s foremost experts” in all things Kryptomon? Hell, we sure as hell don’t feel that way.

Everyday we’re one step closer to reverse engineering that portal Charles Pound disappeared into, and we realize just how little we really know about Kryptomons or this other world he was talking about. But that doesn’t stop the magazines and the press blowing everything out of proportion like they always do — They even nicknamed me “The Strongest Trainer”.

The strongest trainer… Heh, what a load of horseshit.

Absolute Power

In the face of absolute power, tactics and strategies amount to nothing.

I don’t remember exactly which fight in the arena where I first heard that, but I can’t stop thinking about it ever since the showdown with Pound. His Dark Kryptomons were… unstoppable.

What was the point of all of that training Fyllo and I went through? We had the numbers on our side, we had Tanya and Fyllo’s strength, we had the battle experience of the best trainers… But in the end what use was any of it against the Dark Kryptomons?

What would you do man? Everyday it gets harder and harder for me to get out of bed and come to the lab, to smile at the rest of the team and work on the portal. They need me to be strong, to be the person who tells them everything is going to be all right. Everyone’s ignoring the elephant in the room and just trying to push on one day at a time.

So what if we find this new world? We don’t even have the ability to protect ourselves from the Dark Kryptomons, who knows what we’ll find on the other end of that portal?

Kyros the scientist… or Kyros the trainer?

The world doesn’t need Kyros the scientist. Heck, this lab doesn’t even need Kyros the scientist. We’ve brought in some new faces, and I hear good things about a lady called Jeanne Dunn. Kinda reminds me of you really, brilliant researcher who tends to lock herself in the lab and get lost in her work.

Heh, speaking of which — I know you’ve always complained about her, but Lise’s really come through for all of us in the lab. She’s still up to her usual antics, but it’s one of the few things that puts a smile on everyone’s faces. Bet you didn’t see that coming when you agreed to that internship program did you?

No, what this world and this lab needs is Kyros the trainer. I need Kyros the trainer. I can’t keep pretending that I don’t still have nightmares about the helplessness and the frustration of being completely outclassed by Pound. Fyllo and I… we’re never going to be that weak ever again.

It’s training time

Eva understood this as well. She’s off on her own journey but I need to do my part as well. With most of my work handed over to Wang and Jeanne, it’s time for Fyllo and I to double down on improving our strength.

With these guys on the job, it’s not even a question of if, but when the portal will be opened. And this time I won’t fail again. Whatever this new world throws at us, I’ll protect us all.


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Dev Log

Dev Log #4 | Challenge-a-Friend

Learn all you need to know about this exciting head-to-head release from Kryptomon and get ready to challenge your friends!



December 8

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The open beta of the long-awaited new game mode, Challenge-a-Friend is finally here and we asked Tyler (aka Towa) — Kryptomon’s Technical Customer Support Manager, all about it!

Learn all you need to know about this exciting head-to-head release from Kryptomon and get ready to challenge your friends!

What is Kryptomon’s “Challenge-a-Friend”?

The “Challenge-a-Friend” feature is the first taste of battle in Genesis. It’s the payoff for all the training users have put in the last year and a chance for users to learn the battle mechanics before Story Mode/Tournament release!

So, how does it work?
  1. Login on a mobile device that supports the new feature (Android, iOS, Emulator).
  2. Add the user you wish to challenge to the friend list.
  3. Once accepted, press the sword icon next to their name and wait for them to accept the battle.

4. Select between 1–3 Kryptomon and the spells you wish to take into battle.

5. Battle it out!

Why is Challenge-a-Friend an essential piece of the Kryptomon game?

Well, it stands as a foundation for future updates to build on! Now that the framework is built new spells can be added without needing to build new infrastructure.

It is also the first time users can interact in-game with their Kryptomon and I believe that social interactions are core to a positive gaming experience!

How should we find opponents once the feature is released?

Once the feature is released users should make sure they are in our Discord and Telegram to find trainers to battle! There are many trainers of different strengths and levels in both areas so pop in and make a new friend or rival!

What was the most challenging aspect of this feature that made you want to rage quit?

While testing the feature, I had to play many battles against the features creator, Brian (aka Hack1ge). After the first 10 losses in a row, I was ready to rage quit for good but more testing had to be done!

From the Kryptomon team, who do you think will be your rival?

Axel, one of our many amazing moderation staff, seems to be my closest rival! We have had many close games that have come to single-digit health and each time we battle we both get stronger!

As always, we love to hear from the community when we roll out new features and this time is no different.

Please share with us your thoughts about Challenge-a-Friend in our Telegram or Discord community!

Michelle Smith Gabela

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